by Jim Cervone | May 26, 2018
GREEN TEA MATCHA is made with the finest young green tea leaves! We get ours from Tea Guys, Whatley MA. Original with Green Tea Matcha mixed in!! by Jim Cervone | May 26, 2018
ESPRESSO COOKES N’ CREAM We take fresh espresso coffee ** Oreos and mix it with Original. **Pittsfield – from No. Six Depot Roastery, West Stockbridge ** Latham – From Happy Cappuccio, Schenectady by Jim Cervone | May 26, 2018
DF Vegan is a nice blend of cocoa, locally roasted cold brew, coconut milk and yogurt! by Jim Cervone | May 26, 2018
Dairy Free Vegan Green Tea Matcha is a delcious blend of Harney Tea, Coconut Milk and Yogurt! The tea and subtle coconut is amazing! by Jim Cervone | May 26, 2018
COLD BREWED COFFEE CARAMEL!!! Fat Toad Farm, VT makers of Goat’s Milk Caramel partners with Stumptown Coffee Roasters to create what just may become the best flavor ever!!